Friday, 25 November 2011

Confessions of a (Non)Shopaholic

Shopping: By definition it would mean buying stuff you need. But I guess that’s just too technical and impractical. As far as I can remember, shopping is and has always been about buying stuff when you are happy/ you are sad/ you got a raise/ you had a fight and want to cheer yourself up/ rainy season is approaching/ winter is approaching/ summer is approaching/ festival is approaching/… the list is of course endless. And apparently ‘shopping gene’ and ‘bargaining skills’ are a part and parcel of being a girl. But for some unknown reason I.Cannot.Stand.Shopping. I have got many ‘Oh My God!!’s, ‘You gotta be joking!’s and ‘Unbelievable!!’s from people when I told them about my shopping phobia (Those exclamations when came from girls were in a disapproving tone and when came from boys were in a happy tone :p). Even after staying in one of the most shopping-crazy cities, I still have not developed any liking for this, should I say hobby(?)! I am surrounded by love-to-shop-till-bags-drop friends and relatives but even then I cannot understand what makes girls so happy about it. Maybe I am missing something but as a strict Shopophobic (yea yea MS Word, I know it’s not an actual word, stop cribbing with a red line!), I found out reasons as to why I cannot stand the idea of going on a shopping spree.
1.      You have to get all ready and presentable to go for street shopping where you know you will be roaming in scorching sun amidst will-run-over-you-if-you-don’t-move crowd.
2.      Nobody, I repeat, nobody look for the thing which they actually want to buy. For example, if they want to buy shoes, as soon as they reach their shopping destination, they will start checking out wallets and handbags! How is that helping??
3.      I fail to understand how buying something of which you have no use, and spending you hard-earned money (well, bit of drama: p) on it will help you ‘cheer up’!!
4.       If you like something, you buy it. That is my logic. But apparently it is stupid to buy something from the very first shop you visit and it is an ‘in’ thing to check out every single shop in the locality and then going back to that first shop.
5.      Far from cheering me up, shopping leaves me tired and BORED!!
6.      No matter how hard I try, I cannot care about latest fashion trends and keeping up with them.
7.      Visiting a shop, trying on 50 different clothes, visiting other shops, repeating the same procedure, getting confused between two dresses you liked the most, settling on one, bargaining with the shop dealer as if your life depends on it, getting the cloth home and then thinking it looked different in shop lights and the returning it. Four Words- Not Amusing At All.
So after completing this small blog entry, I gotta get ready to go shopping because you see, winter/ friend’s wedding is approaching!! So that’s shopping: Like it, hate it, or curse it but you cannot escape it!! Amen.


  1. Nice 1 !! Yoohoo!! Same with me..Can totally understand man!! :D U r not alone :P

  2. I should start with OH MY GOD.!(as usual)Let me explain y!
    Shopping is not conceived as 'a hobby' or an
    'in' thing. You shop because you need stuff.Urgency or no urgency!!

    You shop as per you choice,liking,fashion, comfort,trend,affordability,eye for detail,knowledge and so on and so forth. To acheive all this self set targets we(the shopoholic :P)look for stuff which we need and we dont need.Shoes for now and wallets for future.!

    Shopping makes you tired but haivng new stuff gives immense pleasure. Its like reading a new book(I know i am trying hard).how can you miss that happieness.?wake up..!! lets go shopping.
    Shopping was justified in deep recession also.It made people come out of depression.hooo..Too much..

  3. @Megha: Well what can I say! I never really had to go thru all tht trouble coz i got ma sis to buy me stuff :D :p lol
